Thursday, June 8, 2017

Art. Churches. Markets. Pasta.

Elongation of facial features and fingers. Point or rounded arches? Santa Maria Asunta verses the Virgin Mary. Just some good things to keep in mind when analyzing art and architecture from the 13th-15th centuries. New vocabulary (not even Italian vocab) has been the biggest learning curve for me thus far. Proto- Renaissance, a style with lots of shading and contemporary costumes. A maestá, a painting of the mother of Christ once she has ascended and sits on a throne since she is queen. Italo- Byzantine means there's going to be a lot of gold foil in the art. This right here is the new vocabulary I'm getting acquainted with. I have been learning for these past few days how to think and use my eyes critically over every inch of a cathedral's facade or a fresco's scene. It's quite amazing how long it's taken to build churches in Italy or create the even more grand alter pieces resting inside. So many hidden gems that REAL people dedicated their lives to. They were artists who loved God and loved their city.

But really, how 'bout those markets eh?? JK. Sorry for making that awkward. But really! Outdoor markets are the coolest thing ever!! I've gone to a couple in the U.S like in Ohio but these things are legit. I was wondering why grocery stores don't have that much fresh produce here and welp! There's my answer!Every Wednesday in Siena, locals put up an outdoor market with all the fresh fruits,veggies, meats, and cheese you could imagine. And yes, it all tastes fantastic. Since the entrance is stiuated along the side lines of the city, tourists as well as locals crowd together. Fun fact for ya. The Sienese people are cery proud of their heritage, so much of the food there was straight outta Tuscany yo. There were also countless racks of clothing. I was only a little sad to find out that shirts here run on the larger side soooo none for me this time around. 

This post is already running long but I just have to mention the pasta making class I went to. Wow. Can you even beleive I just said that sentence?! Because I can't! It was the most fun I've had thus far. My program was in the kitchen for over 4 hours making native Sienese cookies, tortellini, gnocchi, lasagna, and eggplant parm. If you read that sentene over again, you can actually hear your stomach start to gramble, true story. We also got to eat everything we made and take hoe the leftovers. I am definitely not a chef byt my udnerstandig of Italian and Tuscan cuisine gre ten fold within those few hours. We did a pretty dang goo job too!!! I know the Avery family (shout out!) would be proud of me.  
P.S. My internet won't let me upload pictures on here so more will be posted to my facebook page. Thanks!

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