Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Getting Ready to Leave!

Hello my fellow blog followers! First and foremost, I have never kept a blog a day in my life.... so please be patient with me if the layout isn't quite right or there are other problems. 
With that out of the way, I'M GOING TO ITALYYYYY! My study abroad program is only during the month of June. I will also be extending my stay by a week to visit Venice, Switzerland, and France with a colleague. Now, I have never traveled to Europe, never been on a flight for 13 hours, and definitely never studied abroad. I have done a lot of research about the country and people, and yet I still feel unprepared. Excited! But unprepared. 
I will doing this NAU in Italy program with a group of 10 people and a faculty member. Italy will be our classroom. We will be traveling to wineries, art galleries, restaurants, and many other places. I hope to post a few times each week and update any family or friends about my adventures! 
Some (no, many) have asked me if I have been feeling apprehensive or nervous about my travels. I'll let you all in on a little secret: I feel great!!! The only thing I am nervous about is getting from point A (my layover in the US) to point B (the Rome airport) to point C (the bus station at the airport) to point D (Sienna). Did I mention that I know ZERO Italian? Ha! It will be such a fun adventure!! I hope you all enjoy following my posts!